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               October 27, 2008


4:30 PM                                                                                   STARBARD BUILDING


Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston and James Dillon


1.  Acceptance of Minutes


            Motion by Beverly Potvin Kenniston, seconded by James Dillon, it was voted to approve the minutes of August 25, 2008 meeting.


2.   Miscellaneous Items

A.    Miscellaneous Discussion Items:


1.     The Board of Assessors reviewed the Cherry Sheet payment-in-lieu-of-tax (PILOT) program state owned land eligible for reimbursement under MGL Ch. 58 S. 13-17 and Division of Water Supply Protection Land under MGL Ch. 58 S. 5G located in Holden.


2.     The assessors discussed classifying two additional parcels of land owned by Joseph T. Urbanovitch, et al located on Broad Street.  State Tax Form CL-3 was signed covering parcels shown on the assessors’ maps as Map 55, Parcels 4 and 5.  The tax lien will be recorded at the Worcester District Registry of Deeds.


3.     The assessors' current office budget for FY2009 was discussed.  Reductions are being made because of possible state budget reductions.


4.     The Classification Hearing with the Board of Selectmen will be held on November 3, 2008.  The purpose of this hearing is for the selectmen to determine the allocation of the property tax to be borne by the four classes of real property and personal property.  Holden has always selected a residential factor of “1” choosing that each class of property maintain 100% of its full value tax share.


 Respectfully submitted:



Beverly Potvin Kenniston, MAA 

APPROVED: _______1-26-2009____